
Beacon Presents Study in the “I Congresso Internacional em Humanidades Digitais” in Rio de Janeiro

Beacon educators, Bruno Pereira, Laís Carvalho and Zilda Kessel, presented a study about the importance of the preservation of pedagogical documents as the memory of the institution in the “I Congresso Internacional em Humanidades Digitais”, in Rio de Janeiro. The team responsible for the research is the Beacon Knowledge, a school department dedicated for knowledge management.

The congress aims to begin a wide-ranging and international debate in Brazil about this relevant and emergent transdisciplinary theme of the digital humanities in the modern world. Thinkers, scientists and technologists of Arts, Culture and Social, Human, Exact and Computational Sciences to discuss, among other themes, the impact of information technologies, communication networks and digitalizing collections and processes in the daily routine of individuals and their effects in local and global institutions and societies, especially considering the Brazilian reality and background.

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