
The Coordinator of Beacon School indicates the possibilities for education and career paths in an article on the Terra Portal

Lucas Sousa, Coordinator of University and Career Counseling at Beacon School, contributed to the article “5 Important Tips for Success in College Entrance Exams,” recently published on the Terra News Portal. In the publication, Lucas states that unlike previous generations where traditional careers and typical destinations were common, current students have a “world of possibilities.” The coordinator also notes that considering both Higher Education in Brazil and abroad is increasingly common and discusses the challenges and strategies for participating in the selection processes.

“In Brazil, the traditional model of entrance exams prevails, in addition to the National High School Exam (ENEM), which evaluates the competencies and skills of the National Common Curricular Base and the major areas of Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Human Sciences. ‘As we know, these are exams, and depending on the score obtained, the candidate is accepted,’ explains the coordinator.

Foreign universities, on the other hand, have a more holistic admissions process. They typically consider the grade point average from the ninth year of elementary school to the third year of high school, extracurricular activities done outside the classroom, recommendation letters written by teachers and school staff, application essays in which students introduce themselves, in addition to exams such as the “U.S. college entrance exam,” the SAT, and English proficiency tests like the TOEFL.”

Check out the full article: 5 dicas importantes para ter sucesso nos vestibulares

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